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Keeping You On Your Feet For Doddie Aid

Writer: Kirsten SinclairKirsten Sinclair

I think most of Orkney has signed up for #doddieaid (they think there might be a 4 week old baby in Westray who hasn't signed up, that cracked me up!), Kenneth and myself included. There are SO many people out and about at the moment and I know lots of you are putting the miles in to contribute to the North and Mids team total. Woo! Because I'd LOVE to see team North and Mids win, I'd like to share some top tips to keep you on your feet.

1. Don't go from zero to 60! If you're not used to doing lots of walking (or running etc), take your time to build it up. Going from no miles per day to 5 miles per day isn't always a good idea. A big percentage of the patients we see with heel pain and achilles tendinopathy have developed their problems as a result of "to much too soon". A jump in mileage after a period of downtime/reduced activity can put a lot of strain through your muscles, tendons and joints. Just 'ca canny' and take care of yourself.

2. Be careful with your surfaces! And I don't just mean to watch out for ice. A sudden increase in uphill walking can lead to problems with your achilles tendons. If you're not used to walking off road you can risk hurting your ankles if you do lots of walking on shingle beaches or through hills. If you walk the same loop over and over, try and do it in alternating directions so you don't walk on the same camber every time.

3. Make sure you have good shoes to do your miles in. Ensure they're comfortable and appropriate for the terrain you're walking on whether that be the pavement or a hill. Remember that there are lots of different ways to lace your shoes to make sure they're giving you the most support for your foot type. Check out this link for ideas:

4. Tired feet LOVE a good old foot soak and a massage. Soak your feet in a basin of warm water with some epsom salts for a real treat, then massage in some moisturising cream (we highly recommend Ureka cream).

5. A Lacrosse ball is my favourite foot massage tool out there, I call it the Goldilocks ball. It's just right! Roll the ball along the length of your foot from heel to around the ball of your foot. Roll the ball across your foot too, from the inside to the outside. If you find any tender spots, focus on them for 20-30 seconds. Top tip: put your ball inside a sock to stop it from rolling away!

5. If you are struggling, see a pro! If your feet are causing you problems, let us help you out. From hard skin and nail issues to muscles and joints, we are here to help.

If you haven't signed up yet (are you that 4 week old from Westray...?!) but fancy getting involved, it's great fun, motivation to get outside and do some exercise and most of all, raising money for a great charity. Click the link below and (if you're in Orkney) sign up for Team North and Midlands.



The Hygge Clinic

Garrison Road, Kirkwall, Orkney, KW15 1RH

tel: 01856 988422

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